Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hello world

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Its only Individuality that separates a human from the other and nothing else, then why do people saturate themselves within narrow borders....of race, cast, religion....etc...and separate themselves....????? World wants similarity to be highlighted than dissimilarities.....and wants all working together, building our differences as bridge between us, not the barrier, to make this world a better place to live as for all as human beings...as the only caste and race and humanity as a common religion


{ Orange } at: January 10, 2009 at 3:57 AM said...

I like your writing=)

{ Unknown } at: February 12, 2009 at 9:39 PM said...

you are absolutely correct.Like you said i believe everything has to do with the 'Economics'as it is a part of everyone's life knowingly and unknowingly..as long as there is poverty in this world there will not be a deficiency of selfish people exploiting the uninformed people in dire circumstances for egocentric ends.
Thats why we have bloodbath in the name of religion..

{ Unknown } at: February 12, 2009 at 9:41 PM said...

you are absolutely correct.Like you said i believe everything has to do with the 'Economics'as it is a part of everyone's life knowingly and unknowingly..as long as there is poverty in this world there will not be a deficiency of selfish people exploiting the uninformed people in dire circumstances for egocentric ends.
Thats why we have bloodbath in the name of religion..

{ kyungmee } at: August 9, 2009 at 2:31 PM said...

Subject matter many people find hard to discuss! And at the same time, many find reason to find anger and disgust for the poor and the needy. I like how you put this pieces together. Intersting and thought provoking. I hope you keep writing...and looking forward to reading more. Hope to see you at my newly created blog. at http://homeiswithin.blogspot.com