Saturday, May 5, 2012

I choose to be poor!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Silver was for spoon
Bed made of gold
I had everything you would wish for
More than a king could hold

Ferrari was my mower 
Bentley to take me school
Yet I chose for my ten toes
Though you would call me a fool!!!

Dollars no longer tore my shirt
Nor did cheques burden me
Street vendors dazzled me more than malls
And I fell out of love with the Lee

It liberated my soul, I guess
For I loved the frost, wind and scorching sun
Ways of poor lured me out
And made me take this wilder run

I now, Dear Dad, would live this life
You can keep the green stack for our own
'Coz this is how I want to look at the sky
Exploring more than you have ever shown

For this makes me what I want to be
A fisherman rejoicing in his fiery shore
I dot to swim till I get to sea
though born rich, I thus choose to be poor

I want to find my own little stream
Through which I shall boat to the shore
I want to turn the page and earn every dime
I was born rich but I now choose to be poor